Sims 2 Objects

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The Sims 2 University The Sims Wiki. For the The Sims 3 expansion pack with a similar name and theme, see The Sims 3 University Life. The Sims 2 University, or UNI, was the first expansion pack released for The Sims 2 on March 1, 2. The basic idea was to give Sims a college experience. Description. Edit. Your Sims are now young adults leaving home to live the ultimate college fantasy. Immerse them in college life as they become the Big Sim on Campus. Theyll relish their new found freedom as they party with friends, join fraternities and sororities and pull outrageous pranks. Your Sims will explore all the campus hot spots as they frequent lounges, gyms, coffee houses and more. Help them fulfill new lifetime goals to unlock more rewards and reap all of the benefits of their university years. College Upon installing UNI, players have the option to send any teenage Sim to college. The teen then moves out of the familys home and into a special college town, transitioning into a young adult. Sims in college reside in dorms, Greek houses, or private residences if they can afford to do so. They must choose a major and attend classes, while trying to develop new social contacts and retain relationships formed at home. Il-2 Sturmovik Cliffs Of Dover - And Torrent there. Upon graduation, the Sim returns to their home neighborhood, a full grown adult and has many more career opportunities compared to Sims who did not attend college. Sims 2 Objects' title='Sims 2 Objects' />The majors available are Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political science, Psychology, Art, Biology, Drama, Economics, History, and Literature. New careers UNI adds four new career paths that can only be entered by college graduates, though the choice of which careers require degrees seems a bit odd. Apparently, Sims dont require a degree to be a doctor, but they need one to go into show business. These new careers come with new career reward objects, such as the antique camera for the artist career, which allows your Sims to take photographs of their world and hang them on the wall, and the Cowplant for the natural science career which brings the more. There is also a plastic surgery station for the show business career, so that Sims born with more unique facial features can alter their appearance. New life state The fourth career reward object added comes from the new paranormal career, and adds a new life state to the game. The Resurrect O Nomitron gives your Sims the ability to bring their loved ones back from the dead by calling the Grim Reaper. However, raising the dead comes with a price. When a Sim places the call to the beyond, they may end up with the Sim revived, but as a zombie. Sims 2 Objects' title='Sims 2 Objects' />Mod The Sims is one of the largest Sims 2, Sims 3 and Sims 4 custom content websites, providing quality free downloads, tutorials, help and modding discussions. Download all the latest Sims 3 Objects Custom Content right here View the best custom content finds ever and see every item of Objects right here. New music Includes College Rock and Jazz. All songs are in Simlish. New interactions They are there to help you in your college life or just have fun, e. Streaking. New self interactions Sims can now buy a cell phone, MP3 player or handheld game from a vending machine on campus. Sims can then use these objects autonomously or by user direction. New themes There are several clothing and furnishing themes in this expansion, including Greek, Punk and 6. These include new wallpapers, furniture and clothing. Secret societies Some members of the campus community walk around in snappy suits. Befriend three or more of these Sims and you will join the secret society. These societies allow Sims to use the interaction, Secret Handshake, Hack Grades on a computer and use the societys club house, which has a Cowplant, Resurrect O Nomitron and a camera. New social interactions There are new social interactions such as instruments like the bass, guitar and drums, pranks and pillow fights. Sims can also have study groups, which improves relationships with other Sims while boosting grades. Sims can also influence other Sims to do certain things by clicking the Influence To There is also a new interaction called Hang Out. Create a Student A new way to create young adult students, somewhat similar to Create a Sim except just for that life stage. Sims 2 Objects' title='Sims 2 Objects' />New objects There is now a treadmill available and newer weight machines. University Life Collection. Edit. The Sims 2 University Life Collection includes The Sims 2 University, The Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff and The Sims 2 IKEA Home Stuff. A PC version was announced on The. Sims. 2. com website on July 8, 2. North America on August 2. This section contains audio andor video files. If you are having difficulty playing these files, see media help. The Sims 2 University Official Trailer. The Sims 2 University Trailer. This section contains audio andor video files. If you are having difficulty playing these files, see media help. External links. Edit. References. EditCommunity lot speakers for the College Rock and Jazz channels were not included, but are available as custom content from Mod. The. Sims. The Sims 2 University Life Collection homepage at the Wayback Machine archived June 1. Objects, Furniture, Appliances, Sims 3 Downloads. Objects, furniture, decor for Sims 3. Quality free custom content downloads for your game.